Both Junior Youth Ministry (grades 6-8) and Youth Ministry (grades 9-12) involve the collaboration of different service projects, youth sessions, prayer and fellowship activities to help our teens grow in their relationship to Jesus Christ and His Mystical Body, the Church. Our service projects help them to grow in charity by utilizing their time and talents towards the needs of our church community and those outside of it. Our youth sessions are a time of prayer, community and catechesis in which our teens grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through learning about their faith, sharing their own understandings of faith with each other and through prayer where we respond with our whole self to the Father who revealed Himself through his Son. Lastly during our yearly retreat, for the high schoolers, we will take time from the business of life to look back on our faith journeys through this year and see where we have grown in our discipleship to the Lord, what is stalling our relationship and helping them to know their vocations in life. These ministries are fans for sustaining the fire of faith blazing in the hearts of our teens and young people, so that their own witness will lead to the growth in God’s outreach to the world, through His Church.
For more please call the Blessed Sacrament Parish office at 330-372-2215
Or contact Ana Prince at
Survey for Parents/Guardians regarding Youth Ministry for Blessed Sacrament and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parishes.
Survey for Parents/Guardians regarding Adult Ministry for Blessed Sacrament and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parishes.
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